Through the decades we have forged many great relationships with some of the best surgeons in Oklahoma City, utilizing the latest surgical technology to offer our patients the best surgical outcomes, from cataract Surgery, retinal Surgery, glaucoma Surgery and corneal surgery.
Technology is rapidly advancing in all aspects of our lives. Advancements in ocular surgical procedures are happening constantly. We strive to offer our patients newest and safest options to correct their vision and to treat any ocular disease that may be present. The goal with all of these new technologies is always patient safety.
We offer our patients the latest in intraocular lens technology which can often relieve the need for glasses post surgically. Virtually almost all prescriptions are correctable with intraocular lens implants. Ask us if you are a candidate for lens replacement surgery.
Surface laser refractive procedures are still a very good option for younger patients who are myopic (near sighted) and want to be spectacle and contact lens free. Refractive surgery technology has been refined for over 30 years.
SLT laser is a good option for treatment of Glaucoma in many patients to help lower eye pressure. It has been proven very safe, it is not a thermal laser, and can be repeated years later. It can be used as a first line treatment or as additional treatment.
This is a common procedure that may need to be done after Cataract Surgery. Many patients develop a “film” or “hazy capsule” behind the artificial lens that is put in during cataract surgery. The film can be opened up with this Yag Laser. This is a painless procedure that is done in our office.
These dry, sterile amniotic membrane grafts are a great new treatment for some corneal disease and aid the healing of the surface corneal cells. They are very helpful in severe cases of dry eye, corneal injuries, and other corneal disease.
Collagen cross linking is a procedure that is done to strengthen the collagen fibers in the middle of cornea. Keratoconus and other corneal degenerative disease can thin the cornea.